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Shopping Guide
Welcome! To ensure a smooth checkout experience,
please follow these simple steps:
Select Your Items.
Browse our website and choose the products you wish to purchase. Select the desired quantity and click "Add to Cart."

Review Your Order.
On the Cart page, you can review your order summary and make preliminary selections for "Destination," "Shipping Method," and enter any "Discount Codes" to estimate the total cost. Note that you can still modify these options in the later steps.
Provide Your Information.
Please accurately fill in your customer details, including your email address, full name, contact number, shipping address, and preferred delivery method.

Apply Discounts.
During promotional periods, enter a valid discount code at checkout to redeem your offer.
Choose Your Payment Method.
We offer various secure and convenient payment methods, including credit card payment, PayPal, and offline payment options (FPS, Payme). Select your preferred method.

Confirm Your Order.
Once you have verified all the information is correct, click the "Place Order and Pay" blue button. After successful payment, you will receive an order confirmation email from us.